

Posted under General

AryanSuperSoldier said:

The girls will be bleached, barring the absolute most ugly bitches to be left to themselves and the jewesses… idc how hot they are (usually ugly anyways) Keep me away from them if you really want that Jewish pussy, because I cannot hold back my undying desire to rid the world of their scum. The early Europeans were foolhardy (if noble) to simply exile them and/or banish them from their lands, nothing short of completing Hadrian’s and Hitler’s genocide is best for them.

You know you can fuck them without getting them pregnant, right?

Germanamericasnazi2 said:

Im racist

Got real tired of being treated like shit by a society trying to convince the world that I’m the devil just for waking up in the morning. Proud to be who I am and part of that is White, so I’m embracing it and loving it.


goonman1983 said:

Got real tired of being treated like shit by a society trying to convince the world that I’m the devil just for waking up in the morning. Proud to be who I am and part of that is White, so I’m embracing it and loving it.

Dw, were all loving it too hehe~

I am now going to post my actual political views on a niche porn forum you are warmed!

Truth is life should be viewed as a team game because it is.
We are literally given a color and assigned a team at birth.
In an ideal world there would only be one team, the human team and we would assign benefits along Lines of merit but we do not live in that world

We could try to remove our inherent in group biases and try to manifest this ideal world by living up to its ideals but it would be pointless since people who DO play along team Lines would immediatly take advantage and outcompete us putting us back at square one.

It's simple game theory 3 people working together will always win over 7 people working alone. Thus a unified minority could gain power against the majority even if the majority is individually better than the individuals of the minority

White people are so heavily propagandized that we hardly have such an ingroup preference anymore. The average white now works individually or sometimes against their own in the name of "anti-racism". Meanwhile american black people actively teach their kids that white people are the enemy and encurage eachother to patron "black owned businesses" so they can keep the wealth in their community. Teamwork like that is so powerful that the fucking amish community manages to do Well despite only relying on pre industrial tech
(Relevant example of black people playing in their interest is the obfuscation of justice done by the black jurors in the OJ case)

If we don't play in our interests we will lose our people. Our culture and homelands and immigrants are going to concentrate their way up the power ladder through the way of nepotism. (The fact that a islamic party is rising in popularity in sweden should be a crime. Especially since it aims to remove freedom of speech)

So I think we should fight in our interests because ultimately no one else will. But this is considered controversial in an age where everyone feels entitled to white handouts.

I don't consider my views racist because Id still play for my team even if my team mates sucked. None of it hinges on me being better than anyone else.

But if we go by the new definition of racism (the one made by libs to shame us out of acting in our interests) then Yeah I am racist since I have a certain level of power and with everything the other teams are doing to Get ahead I am only becoming more prejudiced by the day.


Congratulations on being racist? I'm not sure if you should be proud of it. I haven't faced any discrimination for being Dutch-American or for being white. I've gotten more for being a girl than anything, and usually it's from people that are right-wing and misogynistic. It's really unattractive to me and a big reason why I prefer to date apolitical or left-wing people.

QueenOfQueens said:

Congratulations on being racist? I'm not sure if you should be proud of it. I haven't faced any discrimination for being Dutch-American or for being white. I've gotten more for being a girl than anything, and usually it's from people that are right-wing and misogynistic. It's really unattractive to me and a big reason why I prefer to date apolitical or left-wing people.

I too like dating apolitical or left-wingers, just to radicalize them down the right path away from being retarded/ignorant 'liberals'.
@Nordic_redhaired_Bvll has the right idea

Tbh I have to clarify my message a bit since I used some edgy wording to get my point across. I don't think there is anything racist to point out the failures of european immigration policies. And how mass-immigration in general is a destabilizing force.

It is a view that should be outside the typical Right-wing left-wing dichotomy since it's true and is not based on hate. I also think we should withdraw from most third world countries and instead let them figure stuff out on their own since there is a level of exploitation being done that way. However I don't believe that is a justification for us having to take endless waves of migrants like we have done since like 2015. especially since the elites that advocate for us exploiting the third world also line their pockets when the GDP (all hail the GDP) rises as a result of irresponsible/replacement migration.

Even as a left winger/Progressive you also do have to note how migration also disrupts a lot of social change such as lgbtq acceptance and gender equality

I tend to jokingly identify with the word "racist" as a defense mechanism since my views would get me labelled as one to some normies so I embrace it instead of backpedaling (this could be seen as me doing that ). I very much do understand the exploitation done by us (few elites) to the global south, and how lucrative it would be to the people living there to move here when our politicians so generously open our borders right up for them. But with a lot of the incidents that are happening over europe, how parallel migrant societies are forming and how some non-whites seem to be actively gloating about replacing us, some personal experiences etc I can't help but develop some resentment towards them sadly. Even if I can recognize that that resentment is not really rational


Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

Tbh I have to clarify my message a bit since I used some edgy wording to get my point across. I don't think there is anything racist to point out the failures of european immigration policies. And how mass-immigration in general is a destabilizing force.

It is a view that should be outside the typical Right-wing left-wing dichotomy since it's true and is not based on hate. I also think we should withdraw from most third world countries and instead let them figure stuff out on their own since there is a level of exploitation being done that way. However I don't believe that is a justification for us having to take endless waves of migrants like we have done since like 2015. especially since the elites that advocate for us exploiting the third world also line their pockets when the GDP (all hail the GDP) rises as a result of irresponsible/replacement migration.

Even as a left winger/Progressive you also do have to note how migration also disrupts a lot of social change such as lgbtq acceptance and gender equality

I tend to jokingly identify with the word "racist" as a defense mechanism since my views would get me labelled as one to some normies so I embrace it instead of backpedaling (this could be seen as me doing that ). I very much do understand the exploitation done by us (few elites) to the global south, and how lucrative it would be to the people living there to move here when our politicians so generously open our borders right up for them. But with a lot of the incidents that are happening over europe, how parallel migrant societies are forming and how some non-whites seem to be actively gloating about replacing us, some personal experiences etc I can't help but develop some resentment towards them sadly. Even if I can recognize that that resentment is not really rational

People keep calling me racist and I don't care I call myself racist and they lose their weapon. Stay strong and remember "racism" means nothing.

All this “save the white race” and “exterminate non-whites, (((them))), homosexuals, etc” talk… on a porn forum?

All of y’all are jacking your shit to some nazi anime girls while you spout about our decadent, multiracial society. I don’t think I need to spell it out but most of y’all are degenerate, schizo losers.

BoundAcolyte said:

All this “save the white race” and “exterminate non-whites, (((them))), homosexuals, etc” talk… on a porn forum?

All of y’all are jacking your shit to some nazi anime girls while you spout about our decadent, multiracial society. I don’t think I need to spell it out but most of y’all are degenerate, schizo losers.

maybe so, but for me, its better to be a 'degenerate' to something that actually empowers and emboldens me. instead of, idk everything else that's subversive and cringe. also nazi anime girls are hot so stfu

AryanSuperSoldier said:

maybe so, but for me, its better to be a 'degenerate' to something that actually empowers and emboldens me. instead of, idk everything else that's subversive and cringe. also nazi anime girls are hot so stfu

True, fuck being a cuck and jerking off to whatever weird shit losers like to watch. Id rather be racist, jerk off to racist porn and have niggers message me begging to worship my racist white nuts lol

BoundAcolyte said:

All this “save the white race” and “exterminate non-whites, (((them))), homosexuals, etc” talk… on a porn forum?

All of y’all are jacking your shit to some nazi anime girls while you spout about our decadent, multiracial society. I don’t think I need to spell it out but most of y’all are degenerate, schizo losers.

You're a retard. I'm not just a degenerate, schizo loser. I'm a degenerate, schizo loser with positive canthal tilt, a fat cock, and a fat ass.

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