
opinions on jews

Posted under General

fkiblaze said:

The way they do it is through mafia tactics though. It's one thing to convince people of your ideas, it's another thing to bully them into doing it or else.

Modern judaism is definied as a rejection of christ. They are the most anti-western anti-christian religion. They are called the synagogue of satan in the bible. IDK why people confuse modern judaism with ancient hebrew. The jews in the old testament are the hebrew people who accepts christ today, where as what is refered to as jews is a newer religion made after christ died by the Pharisees. The old religion literally can not be practiced anymore because the second temple was destroyed by the romans.

The problem is Netanyahu is actually a moderate in israel. Most jews are even more extreme than him. Also what is the problem with putin? he is one of the few "white" rulers that is actually improving his country and caring at least partly what's in it's best interest. Russia is way better now than before he took over.

All true. And anyways, Christianity is at least socially functional. It tends to values that are concucive to survival and cooperation. Judaism does the opposite. Even Pilate respected Christ, according to his letters.

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