
Thread to appreciate all kinds of women

Posted under General

Making this thread for those who dislike degrading women.

I am a humble man who appreciates all women, black or white or Asian

We white guys should show our women that we actually care and love them unlike those fake steroid shitskins we see everyday in hentai and whatever.

I know bleached is supposed to be about white men being superior, but if you like degrading and cucking white women you're a hypocrite and just as bad as the shitskins that cuck/degrade white guys, end of story.

I have made love to almost all kinds of woman, if that makes sense, black, brown, white, asian, and many in-betweens. I guess my favorite archetype of woman is the tomboy or geek, but I appreciate all kinds of women, except the bad ones.

SumTannDood said:

Making this thread for those who dislike degrading women.

I am a humble man who appreciates all women, black or white or Asian

We white guys should show our women that we actually care and love them unlike those fake steroid shitskins we see everyday in hentai and whatever.

I know bleached is supposed to be about white men being superior, but if you like degrading and cucking white women you're a hypocrite and just as bad as the shitskins that cuck/degrade white guys, end of story.

Amen brother.

At times I do think that degeneracy and degregation go too far at some points. Although at times it can be fun, we need to remember that we are human and that we should just love each other, if in the future we can find the right one for our lives.

Oriflamme said:

Why do people think that women who have realized the nobility of being white only deserve to get nothing but degradation and abuse in return?

It’s just par for the course in the anti-white narrative. And that narrative has to be all encompassing and everywhere as to not allow dissenting voices to be heard. I don’t wanna derail this thread about appreciating women so if you don’t care stop reading now, but there was a test done that exemplifies their thinking and plan.

A group of test subjects were brought up to be tested on the most simple of a question, yet there was a catch, only one of the subjects was real and all others were actors. When all of the actors deliberately chose the incorrect answer, the one being tested always crumbled and fell along with group think despite how simple and easy the question was, and failing the answer. But something curious happened in the tests, when just ONE of the actors confirms to the one being tested that they’re not crazy, and that they can trust their instincts and rational judgment by picking the obviously right answer, every single time the subject being tested chose the right answer.

This is what they’re counting on, for all of us to be inundated with misinformation and approved messages to be disseminated via controlled institutions.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

I truly love women, all shapes all colors. I love the way their hips are, how they smile, their body heat, that inherent feminine softness that even the ones with a bit of muscle have...

Right what's up with the body heat? I'm tired of feeling like a furnace everytime I go to bed ;((

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

I truly love women, all shapes all colors. I love the way their hips are, how they smile, their body heat, that inherent feminine softness that even the ones with a bit of muscle have...

Amen, well said! Women of all shapes, sizes, colors, everything about them is worth adoring and showing the love they deserve.

LatinaOfHearts said:

Right what's up with the body heat? I'm tired of feeling like a furnace everytime I go to bed ;((

I’d say that it makes it perfect to cuddle, nice and warm, but, I’m also pretty much a walking furnace, and never get cold, so we’d probably keep each other up in bed… Then again, I’m sure we’d have plenty to do aside from sleeping ;)

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

Women emit body heat differently than men. It's hard to describe the exact difference

Actually now that you mention it, yeah I have noticed that. Huh. Funny that I didn’t think to realize that sooner. There’s a slight difference to where/what sort of heat it is really

BullPatron said:

Actually now that you mention it, yeah I have noticed that. Huh. Funny that I didn’t think to realize that sooner. There’s a slight difference to where/what sort of heat it is really

I could horny post about this for hours tbh and go into excruciating detail but for the sake of brevity and risk of exposing myself I will say this:

The hottest thing about women is just how different they feel than men. The subtle ways that can't really be expressed through a screen like body heat and the other things I described but also smell. It all culminates into a really intense feeling for me seeing it all in one place. Especially when you can cherish her and make her happy and have her smiling

Tbh fuck it! if we can say someone has a fetish about something we are biologically almost hardwired to do such as a "breeding" fetish then I will proclaim right here that I have a fucking woman fetish.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

I could horny post about this for hours tbh and go into excruciating detail but for the sake of brevity and risk of exposing myself I will say this:

The hottest thing about women is just how different they feel than men. The subtle ways that can't really be expressed through a screen like body heat and the other things I described but also smell. It all culminates into a really intense feeling for me seeing it all in one place. Especially when you can cherish her and make her happy and have her smiling

Tbh fuck it! if we can say someone has a fetish about something we are biologically almost hardwired to do such as a "breeding" fetish then I will proclaim right here that I have a fucking woman fetish.

I will never forget about that one reddit post that said something like "when men are horny, they feel they need to fill something up with their penis, when women are horny their pussies feel empty" and it's just so fucking true. Women were made for men, men were made for women..(especially latin american women for white men, cough cough) that smell thing I've never heard of tho.... I do quite enjoy male body odor, do guys not like it when women produce pheromones?

LatinaOfHearts said:

I will never forget about that one reddit post that said something like "when men are horny, they feel they need to fill something up with their penis, when women are horny their pussies feel empty" and it's just so fucking true. Women were made for men, men were made for women..(especially latin american women for white men, cough cough) that smell thing I've never heard of tho.... I do quite enjoy male body odor, do guys not like it when women produce pheromones?

Beautifully said. As to the pheromones thing, I know I can’t speak for all men, but I know that I personally have loved the smell and the taste of every woman I’ve been with, I don’t know how to put it, same as Nordic, but yeah…

LatinaOfHearts said:

I will never forget about that one reddit post that said something like "when men are horny, they feel they need to fill something up with their penis, when women are horny their pussies feel empty" and it's just so fucking true. Women were made for men, men were made for women..(especially latin american women for white men, cough cough) that smell thing I've never heard of tho.... I do quite enjoy male body odor, do guys not like it when women produce pheromones?

I think most guys like it. I am personally a womansmell enjoyer: I love the way they smell when they get a little bit of a sweat going, even how they smell during sex but I also really really like the smell of a womans perfume. I think it says a lot what sort of smell she picks out (if she chooses to wear perfume). I kinda like the faint smell on a womans clothes of her BO, perfume and sweat all mixed together. Or when her smell rubs off on your clothes after a cuddle sesh and you can smell her for the rest of the day. But then again I also lowkey feel like an outlier sometimes when it comes to my love for women.

We really are made for eachother. Women and men are complimentary and my heart fills with joy whenever I see a happy union between a man and a woman. I think the biggest shame in our modern society is that most people get into relationships for the wrong reasons or/and are wildly incompetent in creating and maintaining healthy connections like that... But that is a completely different conversation and I feel like white men while still not being where they could be are unironically the best at having great relationships. We are just so compatible with every shade of woman~

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

I think most guys like it. I am personally a womansmell enjoyer: I love the way they smell when they get a little bit of a sweat going, even how they smell during sex but I also really really like the smell of a womans perfume. I think it says a lot what sort of smell she picks out (if she chooses to wear perfume). I kinda like the faint smell on a womans clothes of her BO, perfume and sweat all mixed together. Or when her smell rubs off on your clothes after a cuddle sesh and you can smell her for the rest of the day. But then again I also lowkey feel like an outlier sometimes when it comes to my love for women.

Oh really? Well I personally like floral and pastry scents.. something like white gardenia or freshly baked sugar cookies (women's perfumes have such weird corny names) I always try to hide my smell with tons of perfume since I sweat like a pig all day long. I also liked to leave a little bottle of my perfume at my exes house so they could spray it on anything and feel I was there, thought it was kinda cute how much they enjoyed that..
But why do you say you're an outlier? Is it because of the love men have for manhandling women?

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

We really are made for eachother. Women and men are complimentary and my heart fills with joy whenever I see a happy union between a man and a woman. I think the biggest shame in our modern society is that most people get into relationships for the wrong reasons or/and are wildly incompetent in creating and maintaining healthy connections like that... But that is a completely different conversation and I feel like white men while still not being where they could be are unironically the best at having great relationships. We are just so compatible with every shade of woman~

Yeah, it's sad whenever people put all their trust into "love at first sight" and not into building a proper, romantic union with each other.. truly a tragedy. But I do agree on that, white men are the best (as we all know) at keeping relationships and making the romance last.. it's really pleasing..

LatinaOfHearts said:

Oh really? Well I personally like floral and pastry scents.. something like white gardenia or freshly baked sugar cookies (women's perfumes have such weird corny names) I always try to hide my smell with tons of perfume since I sweat like a pig all day long. I also liked to leave a little bottle of my perfume at my exes house so they could spray it on anything and feel I was there, thought it was kinda cute how much they enjoyed that..
But why do you say you're an outlier? Is it because of the love men have for manhandling women?

Yeah womens perfumes have weird names it's pretty funny, I sweat a lot too and enjoy the smell of sweat so that just sounds like a plus to me tbh.

Also! The reason Why I often feel like an outlier when it comes to stuff like this is because: whenever I talk to my peers about what I like in women most of them seem to say something like "I like a fat Nice pair of tits" and call it a day meanwhile I will be talking about how I enjoy the little face wrinkles women Get if they smile a lot. It feels like guys almost don't allow themselves to deeply talk about what they like in women outside of like the obvious shit that everyone talks about (tits, ass)

I don't think its that I am particularly better than the average guy but I am a lot more shameless in how I appreciate women ig. (If I prodd enough most guys will often Also come up with more interesting things they Find hot in women but it almost seems like they don't allow themselves to express that in the first place) it does make me feel a bit lonely sometimes! I also have to add your question about manhandling: I think it plays into it too, sometimes I Get the feeling that most men are not into the women they are with but rather the sense of control they Get from that relationship. Lifting a woman around in your arms is fun but sometimes it gets made into some weird powerplay and that is kinda cringe tbh famalam.

Yeah, it's sad whenever people put all their trust into "love at first sight" and not into building a proper, romantic union with each other.. truly a tragedy. But I do agree on that, white men are the best (as we all know) at keeping relationships and making the romance last.. it's really pleasing..

It is~ I think the reason nonwhite women are so good with white men is because they truly realize how good they have it. I really enjoy the facial expression you all make when you Get treated really well. It's really sweet and makes me feel appreciated. I Also think most people don't even fall in love at all, they just Get with someone to avoid being lonely and then they slowly move in and become dependent on eachother to the point where it's too inconvenient for them to break up so they just ride out the relationship to marriage...