
AI Fuelled Cope

Posted under General

Is it just me or have you all noticed a massive influx of ai blacked garbage on pretty much every other site? The speed at which it can be churned out is just ridiculous. I'm no conspiracy theorist but it almost feels like a coordinated plan to spam it out until it's the only thing people see. I'm half tempted to start fighting fire with fire but I'm not sure how I feel about ai art.

Disgustingdave said:

Is it just me or have you all noticed a massive influx of ai blacked garbage on pretty much every other site? The speed at which it can be churned out is just ridiculous. I'm no conspiracy theorist but it almost feels like a coordinated plan to spam it out until it's the only thing people see. I'm half tempted to start fighting fire with fire but I'm not sure how I feel about ai art.

I feel like venting about it makes me feel a bit schizophrenic. I am not too familliar with other porn sites since I almost exclusively use this one (and 4chan). But just going on /gif/ you can see how pervasive the blacked spam is: Having multiple instances of the same thread going at the same time but with variations to avoid getting banned by mods, filter evading, getting like 15 posts in a row featuring blacked stuff even when the thread is about something unrelated. With how lax the jannies seem with cleaning up clear violation of board rules when it comes to that stuff, and just how inorganic the spam feels in general I can't fault myself for getting conspiratorial too.

Seeing how bad it get's on other boards too I don't think you could even deny that there is a deliberate push for that sort of stuff, but by who and for what reasons is unclear (demoralization seems to be one reason tho). There are also known discord servers that aims to push this sort of stuff. so your "conspiracy theory" seems reasonable enough

Ultimately I think the solution is not to fight fire with fire. I would argue that shitting up sites with low quality ai stuff will only turn people away from the fetish. One of the reasons bleached is a thing was that many people reacted against that sort of spam. But I would not like bleached to become a mere reaction to blacked and thus I would advise towards that sort of reactionary tactic. We should carve our own space and instead create high quality stuff.

Even if we banded together and began counter spamming I doubt we could fully compete with blacked spammers too. They seem to be more numerous and motivated to do what they do. In addition counterspam would only encurage them further and escalate spamming on both sides which would turn people off to both our communities

I noticed this spiced in shitted content too. Just like the guy above me, i think we shouldn't figth fire with fire. We should focuse on quality over quantity. The bleached movement is basically a reaction to the blacked braindead shithole kink.
We are basically the side with better quality, and a natural law of quality over quantity.

I think the reason's much more simple. Shitted cucks have always been huge spenders when it comes to porn as it's a hit-or-miss kind of fetish, so they're willing to pay good money for the dedicated blacked artists to keep drawing, and now that literally anyone can make their own using free AI tools, they all flocked to it.

I think we should refrain from doing blacked with a white tint, we'll just end up playing into their game. It's best if we are proactive and not reactive while we carve a path of our own. Some AI art is fine, but original works stand out more for me. Shitted stuff being propped up is undeniable. Imagine how little self-worth you have to have to be into something so disgusting. We know who is pushing it and for what purpose, but the reason why? It probably merits a deep dive.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:
I feel like venting about it makes me feel a bit schizophrenic. I am not too familliar with other porn sites since I almost exclusively use this one (and 4chan). But just going on /gif/ you can see how pervasive the blacked spam is: Having multiple instances of the same thread going at the same time but with variations to avoid getting banned by mods, filter evading, getting like 15 posts in a row featuring blacked stuff even when the thread is about something unrelated. With how lax the jannies seem with cleaning up clear violation of board rules when it comes to that stuff, and just how inorganic the spam feels in general I can't fault myself for getting conspiratorial too.

Seeing how bad it get's on other boards too I don't think you could even deny that there is a deliberate push for that sort of stuff, but by who and for what reasons is unclear (demoralization seems to be one reason tho). There are also known discord servers that aims to push this sort of stuff. so your "conspiracy theory" seems reasonable enough

Ultimately I think the solution is not to fight fire with fire. I would argue that shitting up sites with low quality ai stuff will only turn people away from the fetish. One of the reasons bleached is a thing was that many people reacted against that sort of spam. But I would not like bleached to become a mere reaction to blacked and thus I would advise towards that sort of reactionary tactic. We should carve our own space and instead create high quality stuff.

Even if we banded together and began counter spamming I doubt we could fully compete with blacked spammers too. They seem to be more numerous and motivated to do what they do. In addition counterspam would only encurage them further and escalate spamming on both sides which would turn people off to both our communities

I'm similar with only using bleachbooru, but I don't even look at porn boards of 4chan unless it's a general where I used to make content or something. I've heard /gif/ is basically a board about blacked now and seen shills brag about it on /pol/ like an accomplishment of theirs. It's sort of nice to have a window through these discussions into what's happening elsewhere.